After 18 months of searching for a lost paradise, where authority does not exist and all inhabitants participate in the wellbeing of a greater good, the Lost City found a home in the desert.

The Lost City is a forgotten desert town residing amidst the 3700 hectares which make up the Place of Dreams.

There is no ruling body in this world, but rather a collective motivation for all beings to be treated with respect, love and kindness. The members of this community are free from the shackles of modern day society. They are peaceful and live harmoniously with the nature around them. Never before have they welcomed visitors from the outside world until now.

POD will never demand or prescribe anything from our supporters, except to partake with respect, grace and joy. In the end, however, the future of POD, its survival and growth, depends on the generosity of those who believe in the dream.

You can contribute or book an event or stay. Please read our requirements carefully.